Tuesday, January 11, 2011

Tea on Tuesdays...

Christi over at Grey Umbrella has come up with a wonderful idea!! Tea on Tuesdays is a chance to have tea together via our blogs! Feel free to join in the fun! I think it's an excellent way to share what's on your mind and in your heart.

I'd tell you that today is a coffee day for me. I'd like a tall, white chocolate, no fat, no whip. This drink is truly heaven in a cup. I'd tell you that I slept in today instead of going to the gym. My alarm went off at 4:20 AM but sleeping an extra 2 hours sounded so good. AND it was 8 degrees outside!! :)

I'd tell you that there are days, like today, when I love my job. I feel like I am being so productive, getting so much accomplished, helping others. Tomorrow could be a different day.

I'd tell you that I am excited about going on a tour of our local grocery store tonight with my running friends to learn about a new nutrition system that is being implemented. I'm looking forward to learning how to buy better food for my family.

I'd tell you that today is a good day. Enjoy!


Christi said...

Thanks for meeting for tea! Are you touring United? Daniel would go nuts! He loves that place. You'll have to tell us what they tell you. I've always followed the "shop the perimeters" in big box grocery stores but I wonder if they will tell you some tricks for buying stuff in boxes.

Um, yeah, 8 degrees means sleeping in, for sure! 4:20am is insanely early. Granted we don't have kids but there is no way I could pull my tooshie out of bed at that hour to work out. I am a late afternoon worker-outer. Good for you! I am in awe.

So happy that today is a good day at work. The good days are what make the bad days bearable, right?

See you next week. Same time, same place.


Janet said...

What did you think about NuVal? Everything good is REALLY bad for you! (so I've learned!)

James & Kelly said...

Please share what you learned! Love you friend and our email "chats"

Tiffany said...

I've got to hear about this grocery store info session....Please say you'll blog about it?

Loving Life in Trubyville said...

I most certainly will blog about the NuVal system. I learned so much! I'm hoping to blog about it within the next couple of days!

Tiffany~I can't leave comments on your blog! I wanted to respond to your Tea on Tuesdays..