Monday, January 10, 2011


Do you have an addictive personality?? I am the first to admit that I most certainly do! As you will see, some addictions are better than others....

I love ice cream. I could eat it for breakfast, lunch, dinner, and in between. I like all flavors but am particularly drawn to anything chocolate. This addiction would be a VERY bad thing if not for my next addiction...

I love working out. I love running. I love spinning. I love Power class. I love boxing. I love it all. This has not always been the case. I used to hate it. But I love how working out has helped me lose 60 (and counting) pounds. So...I love working out.

I am addicted to the grocery store. Many people I know dread going but I could go everyday. Walking up and down each aisle and seeing all of the different products is fascinating to me. Weird, I know.

Shopping is truly therapeutic for me. This is not a good thing. I do not let myself shop often. I buy on impulse. I want it all....purses, shoes, hats, scarves, you name it! Needless to say, retail therapy is far and few between!

And finally...the worst addiction of all:

Please tell me I'm not the only one!! :( I swore I'd never get a Facebook. Then I did. I found myself spending way too much time looking into the lives of other people. There are some very good things about with old friends, making new ones, etc. However, I found myself knowing more about the happenings of others than what was occurring in my own home. So...a temporary hiatus is now taking place. It's not so bad. I'll live. :)

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