Sunday, October 12, 2008

Red Raider Road Race 2008

BJ, Jana, and I ran in the Red Raider Road Race on Saturday.  I think you could say that I am officially hooked on running! We ran the 5K and BJ finished in 27 minutes, Jana in 30, and I finished in 31.  I was pumped because my time was 4 minutes faster than last week!  We had a great time! (Excuse my was early! Of course Jana and BJ look cute at 7 AM!)


James & Kelly said...

Kori! I'm so proud of you!!! We need to plan to run a race up here together!!! We can do the half in April...I know you can do it! 31 is amazing!

James & Kelly said...

I promise you could do it...I can email you a training schedule...I joined plano pacers this week...our first 5k is tuesday night...james asked what will happen if I come in last...I said I'll just smile and wave if anyone is still there. By the way, I hate you for being beautiful without makeup!

Ashley Hlavaty said...

Hey Kori! I'd love to help! How about you send me your email address and I'll shoot you some info!!