Friday, November 5, 2010


For your entertainment...

~I let Cash eat Cool Whip...out of the bowl...with his fingers

~I let Tate eat a donut for breakfast...3 out of 5 days this week

~I let Cash watch as many episodes of Ben 10 as he a I could take a nap

~I bought dinner for myself and Will...but forgot to get food for the boys

~I completely forgot about the Book Fair at Cash's school because we've already been to the one at Tate's school

~I told my 7 year old to be grow up...really??

~I hid a birthday invitation from Cash because Tate has a football game at the same time

Just call me "Mom of the Year"...

1 comment:

Janet said...

I've done a few of those too...and much worse!!!! You are a GREAT mom!!! Good luck next weekend!!